Life Events
Occupation | Samuel Gibbs was a husbandman (1701.)2 |
Birth | He was born say 1665. |
Marriage | He married Mary Bonnycastle on 17 Jan 1690 in Chipping Warden, Northamptonshire. The parish register entry reads, "Samuel Gibs and Mary Bonny."1,3 |
(Surety) Probate | Samuel Gibbs provided surety for the administration of John Bonnycastle's estate on 3 Apr 1704. Samuel was a yeoman, of Warden.4 |
(Executor & Heir) Will | Samuel Gibbs was named executor and an heir in the will of John Bonnycastle dated 12 Feb 1708/9 in Northamptonshire. Son in law Samuell Gibbs of Chipping Warden, Yeoman and daughter in law Frances Clifton of Maydford were named to be joint executors and share the residual of the estate.1  |
(Admon) Probate | Samuel Gibbs was granted administration of John Bonnycastle's estate on 28 Mar 1714.1 |
Burial. | Samuel Gibbs was buried on 17 Aug 1721 in Chipping Warden.2 |
Probate | His estate was proved on 18 Aug 1721. With the inventory for Samuell Gibbs of Chipping Warden given by John Shatman, William Clifton, and Samuell Gibbs Junior.5 |
Research Note | More research needs to be done on the Gibbs family to be certain the burial and probate are for this Samuel Gibbs. |