Life Events
Birth | Frances Clifton was born say 1675. |
Marriage | She married John Bonnycastle.1 |
Possibly Same | Frances Clifton and William Clifton were possibly related? One married a Bonnycastle and one witnessed a Bonnycastle probate document. One possibility is that Frances, widow of John Bonnycastle, married William as her second husband. |
(Admon) Probate | Frances was granted administration of the estate of her husband John Bonnycastle on 3 Apr 1704. He did not leave a will.2 |
(Executor & Heir) Will | Frances Clifton was named an executrix and an heir in the will of her father-in-law John Bonnycastle dated 12 Feb 1708/9 in Northamptonshire. John's son in law Samuell Gibbs of Chipping Warden, Yeoman and daughter in law Frances Clifton of Maydford were named to be joint executors and share the residual of the estate.1  |
(Admon) Probate | Frances Clifton was granted administration of John Bonnycastle's estate on 28 Mar 1714.1 |