Life Events
Birth | Charlotte Kate Cassan was born on 31 Aug 1843 in Seymour Township, Northumberland County, Ontario.2,3 |
Marriage | She married Richard Henry Bonnycastle on 18 Nov 1869 in Christ Church Anglican, Campbellford, Northumberland County, Ontario. The register notes: Richard H Bonnycastle, bachelor, of Township of Seymour & Charlotte Kate Cassan of the same place, spinster, were married by license by J.S. Baker, Inc. of Seymour & Percy [the husband of Richard's cousin Maria Grace Rowed]. Witnesses were C Bonnycastle [his brother Charles] & E Denmark [his cousin Ernest].1 |
1871 Census | Richard and Charlotte Bonnycastle appeared on the 1871 Census of Seymour Township, Northumberland County, Ontario, enumerated 2 Apr 1871. Richard was 27, born in Ontario, religion Church of England, of English origin, and was a farmer. Charlotte was 27 and also born in Ontario. They had no children but the Return of Deaths listed Alexander who was born in October and died at 5 months of age in April of Inflammation of the lungs.4 |
1881 Census | Richard and Charlotte Bonnycastle appeared on the 1881 Census of Seymour Township, Northumberland County, Ontario, enumerated 4 Apr 1881. Richard was 37, born in Ontario, religion Church of England, English origin, and was a farmer. Charlotte was 37, born in Ontario, and Irish. With them were children Harold, Angus, Alexandra, Hidegarde, and Frank. The two eldest attended school.5 |
1891 Census | Richard and Charlotte Bonnycastle appeared on the 1891 Census of Seymour Township, Northumberland County, Ontario, enumerated 6 Apr 1891. The Bonnycastle family lived in a 7 room brick house. Richard was 47, born in Ontario, father born in New Brunswick, mother in England, religion Church of England, and was a Farmer. Charlotte was 47, born in Ontario, parents born in Ireland, and religion Church of England. Their children Angus Lorne, Alexandra Mary, Hildegarde and Frank Cassan were with them.6 |
1901 Census | Richard H and Charlott Bonnycastle appeared on the 1901 Census of Campbellford, Northumberland County, Ontario, at Lots 3 & 4, Rannie G, enumerated 31 Mar 1901. They owned a brick home with 8 rooms on 1/2 acre, also owned 100 1/2 acres, 2 village lots, 2 houses, and 2 outbuildings. Richard was 57, born December 30 1843 in Ontario, of Scotch origin, religion Church of England, and was employed as a General Laborer, earning $300 for 9 months work. Charlotte was 57, born August 24 1843 in Ontario and was of Irish origin. Their daughter Hildegarde was living with them.7 |
1911 Census | Richard and Charlott Bonnycastle appeared on the 1911 Census of Campbellford, Northumberland County, Ontario, at Ranny Street, enumerated 1 Jun 1911. Richard was 67, born December 1843 in Ontario, of English origin, Anglican, and was a Lineman for Electric Line, working 45 weeks at 60 hr/wk for $450. Charlotte was 67, born August 1843 in Ontario, and was of Irish origin. Their daughter Hildegarde was listed as living with them.3 |
Item. | Charlotte Bonnycastle composed patriotic songs. Library and Archives Canada online has a sheet music collection that includes pdf files of a couple of her pieces.
 Charlotte Bonnycastle Sheet music 1911 |
1921 Census | Charlotte Bonnycastle and her daughter Hilda appeared on the 1921 Census of Campbellford, Ontario, at Booth Street. Charlotte was 72, a widow, born in Ontario, parents born in Ireland, and lived from income. Hilda was 46, single, born in Ontario, parents born in Ontario, and was a public school teacher, earning $500 the previous year.8 |
Death | Charlotte died on 10 Jul 1930 in Campbellford, Northumberland County, Ontario. Details from register: residence Ranney St Campbellford, Irish, widowed, born Seymour Tp 31 Aug [year not recorded], age 86 yr 10 months, housewife, lived at place of death 37 yrs, father Matthew S Cassan born Ireland, mother Mary Annette Yellon born Ireland, informant son F.C. Bonnycastle of Campbellford, burial Christ Church Cem Campbellford 12 July 1930, reg 10 July 1930.9 |