Elizabeth Bonnycastle1

#3840, (s 1715 - )

Life Events

BirthElizabeth Bonnycastle was born say 1715.
MarriageShe married Richard Spencer on 23 Oct 1735 in Hardwick, Buckinghamshire.
The parish register recorded that Richard was a shepherd of Whitchurch, Eliz was of Hardwick and they were married by banns.1 
Possibly SameElizabeth Bonnycastle and Elizabeth Bonnycastle were possibly the same person. An Elizabeth married in Hardwick in 1735. The only Bonnycastles in Hardwick are John & his wife Jane. John has a sister Elizabeth and their father Thomas died in 1728. In Thomas' will he mentions that Elizabeth is living in Stoop Claiden - but perhaps after that she went to her brother John's. From the records we have so far, there is no other Elizabeth available to marry Richard Spencer!
Last Edited20 May 2009


  1. Microfilm of the Parish Register of Hardwick-with-Weedon, Buckinghamshire, 1558-1900 (Family History Library, 0919230), Spencer/Bonnycastle marriage, 1735.