Life Events
Birth | Desmond Davidson Bonnycastle was born on 3 Nov 1911 in Campbellford, Northumberland County, Ontario. Details from the register: Desmond Davidson Bonnycastle, son of Richard Henry Bonnycastle, physician, and Freda E Carlaw, housewife who were married Dec 25, 1907 in Seymour. The birth was registered on the same day by the attending physician, uncle E J Free.2,3,1 |
(with Mother) 1921 Census | Desmond appeared on the 1921 Census of Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario with his widowed mother. He was 9 years old, born in Ontario and attended school.4 |
Voters' List | Mrs R H, Mr M (painter) and Dr D (medical) Bonnycastle appeared on the electoral roll in 1940 in Apt 3, 86 Lowther Avenue, Toronto. They had been at the same address in 1935, when Murray and Desmond were students.5 |
Marriage | He married Marion McLaurin.6 |
Passenger List | Desmond Davidson Bonnycastle was listed on a Buffalo border crossing card dated 12 Sep 1946. Details from the card: traveling by train, accompanied by wife Marion, born Campbellford, Ont, age 34, teacher, Canadian, last residence 453 Huron Street, Toronto, nearest relative in Canada mother Mrs Winnifred Bonnycastle of 86 Lowther Street, Toronto, has been in the U.S. for short visits, destination Yale University, New Haven, Conn, to reside permanently, carrying $50, height 5'11'', medium complexion, black hair, brown eyes. [There are several more crossing card in the following years]7 |
Passenger List | Desmond and Marion Bonnycastle were listed on a manifest dated 3 Aug 1950 for the Ascania, arriving in Liverpool from Montreal. Desmond, 38, professor, and Marion, 35, housewife were from the USA and their address in England was The Rectory, Coltsmore, Rutland.8 |
Note. | In 1959, Desmond visited Brazil.9
 Desmond Davidson Bonnycastle Immigration card for a visit to Brazil, 1959 |
Death | Desmond died on 19 Dec 1970 in Summit, New Jersey.6 |
Newspaper | News story published 21 Dec 1970. NEWARK, Dec. 20 (AP)-- Dr. Desmond D. Bonnycastle, dean of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and chairman of the department of pharmacology at the New Jersey College of Medicine and Dentistry, died yesterday. He was 59 years old and lived at 709 Mountain Avenue, Westfield, N.J. [ end of first paragraph; complete article is 147 words] 10 |
Obituary | His obituary was published on 21 Dec 1970 in the New York Times. Bonnycastle – Desmond D., M.D., Ph.D., Dec 19, 1970 in Summit, N.J. Husband of Marian Maclaurin Bonnycastle; father of Sarah Elizabeth and son of Mrs. R.H. Bonnycastle and the late Dr. Bonnycastle, Campbellford, Ontario, Canada. Funeral service St Paul’s Church, Broad St., Westfield at 10 a.m. Tues Dec 22. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to St. Paul’s Church, Westfield or the Westfield Rescue Squad. 6 |
(Widowed) Death | His wife Marion died in Feb 1986.2 |