James Dawson1

#12818, (s 1735 - )
ChartsJames Graham & Agnes Finlayson - collapsible 7-generation descendant chart

Children of James Dawson and Isabel Graham

  • Jean Dawson+3 (1765 - )
  • James Dawson3 (1767 - )
  • Agnes Dawson+3 (1768 - 1827)
  • Ann Dawson3 (1770 - )
  • Colin Dawson3 (1772 - )
  • William Dawson3 (1774 - )
  • Margaret Dawson3 (1781 - )

Life Events

BirthJames Dawson was born say 1735.
This is an estimate based on having children beginning in 1765. 
MarriageHe married Isabel Graham, daughter of James Graham and Agnes Finlayson.2
Note.His residence was Stockbriggs for all his children's baptisms and he was called James younger in his sons' 1767 & 1772 baptism records. Note, 'younger' does not necessarily mean that his father was James; it was to differentiate him from an older James Reid living there.3 
The farm of Crosscaple, parish of Dunblane, and barony of Kinbuck, Perthshire, was taken by Mr J Dawson for two nineteen, say thirty-eight years, and entered to in 1777, or 1778, at the annual rent of L.26 sterling. There was a clause in the lease, that Mr Dawson, the tenant, should, if he had a mind, plant all the wet ground that he did not think proper to plough, with trees of any kind; and the tenant should be at liberty to use what of that wood he required, during the currency of his lease, for all the husbandry purposes on the said farm, as well as for all the houses he required, or saw meet to erect on said farm. At the end, or expiration of said lease, all the standing timber was to be valued ... and the landlord was to pay the tenant in ready money. In February 1817, after the lease expired, Mr McArthur, forester in Drummond Castle, was chosen by and on the part of James Dawson, then the tenant (and now living in Dunblane), as his valuator; and I was appointed by the trustees for behoof of the heir of Kippenross, then a minor ... the value of the wood was L.1029 sterling; the whole rent of the farm for the 38 eyars was L.988 ... if the tenant has planted oak and ash rather than Scotch firs, he would have had nearly three times that sum to receive.4
Research Note Does Stockbriggs = Stockbridge on the 1866 ordinance map (sheet CXXV)?
Crosscaple = Corsecaplie? 
Last Edited1 Jun 2015


  1. [S161] Microfilm of the Old Parochial Register of Dunblane, Perthshire, 1653-1859 (Family History Library, 1040065 & 1040066), child's bapt.
  2. [S508] John Guthrie Smith, The parish of Strathblane and its inhabitants from early times: a chapter in Lennox history (Glasgow: J. Maclehose and sons, 1886). Chapter 5: Ballewan. Digitised copy viewed at Internet Archive, "James Graham's second daughter, Isabella, married James Dawson, Crosscaple..."
  3. [S161] Microfilm of the Old Parochial Register of Dunblane, Perthshire, 1653-1859 (Family History Library, 1040065 & 1040066).
  4. [S3009] Sir Walter Scott, Periodical Criticism, 5 (Edinburgh: Robert Cadell, 1836). Article XIV. On Planting Waste Lands. Robert Monteath. Viewed on Google Books.