Agnes Bessie Fidlar1,2 
#12791, (1888 - )
Father | James Harvey Fidlar1 (1842 - 1913) |
Mother | Isabella Inkster1 (1842 - 1927) |
Relationship | Granddaughter of William Inkster |
Charts | Descendants of John Inkster & Abigail Marion Descendants of Magnus Fidlar & Janet Irvine Isabella Inkster & James Harvey descendants |
Life Events | |
Called | Agnes Bessie Fidlar went by the name of Bessie as a child and Agnes as an adult. She was born Agnes Malcolm and was adopted by James Harvey and Isabella Fidlar.2 |
Birth | She was born on 6 Jun 1888 in Owen Sound, Grey County, Ontario. Compliance with registration was low in Bruce and Grey counties in the 1870s and 1880s and her birth was not registered. However, a declaration was filed on 6 January 1930 with the following information: Agnes Malcom [sic] born June 6th 1888 in Owen Sound, father Robert Henry Malcom, contractor, mother Rachael Ann Jones, physician Dr Machell. The sworn statement was signed by her father Robert Henry Malcom of Hotel Stirling, 236 Cambie Street, Vancouver BC.3 |
(Witness) 1901 Census | Bessie appeared on the 1901 Census of Marmora, Hastings County, Ontario with her adoptive parents, James and Isabella Fidlar. She was 12 years old, born 6 June 1888 in rural Ontario and attended school 8 months that year.1 |
1911 Census | She appeared on the 1911 Census of Swift Current, Saskatchewan, at SW14 Township 15 Range 13. Bessie Fidlar was a School Teacher living with the Crosbie? family. She was single, age 22, born in June 1888 in Ontario, of Scotch origin, Presbyterian, and employed in a school.4 |
(Witness) Marriage | Bessie A Fidler of Port Elgin witnessed the marriage of William H E Schmalz and Rachel Beatrice Richardson on 3 Jun 1915 in Village of Port Elgin, Bruce County, Ontario. [Rachael was Bessie's second cousin - their O'Donnell grandmothers were sisters]5 |
Passenger List | Agnes Fidlar was listed on a border crossing card, arriving 14 Jan 1916 in Niagara Falls, New York. Agnes was 28, a student nurse, Canadian, of Irish race, last residence Port Elgin, no relative in Canada, father James H Fidlar, travelling to Painsville Hospital in Painsville Ohio. She bought her own ticket, had $25, was 5'5", of medium complexion, brown hair and eyes, birthplace Owen Sound.6 |
Passenger List | Agnes Fidlar was listed on a border crossing document in Detroit dated 24 Sep 1920. She was 28, single, a trained nurse, last residence London, nearest relative in Canada father Harvey Fidlar of Calgary Alberta. Agnes paid for her own ticket, her final destination was Grace Hospital in Detroit and she planned to stay for a year. She was 5'4" tall, had medium complexion, brown hair and gr. eyes and was born in Owen Sound.7 |
(Executor & Heir) Will | Agnes was named an executrix and an heir in the will of her mother Isabella Fidlar dated 22 Jan 1925. The will included the phrase, "to my adopted daughter, Agnes Malcolm, the sum of One thousand Dollars."2 |
(Mentioned) Obituary | She was mentioned in her mother Isabella Fidlar's April 1927 obituary as daughter Miss Bessie A Fidlar of Detroit. It was also noted that Bessie accompanied the Cameron family in taking her mother from Toronto to Port Elgin for burial.8 |
Note. | In January 1930, Agnes' birth was registered in Ontario. Her birth father, who was living in Vancouver, provided the information. [Note: he died in March 1930]3 |
1930 Census | Agnes Fidlar appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of Highland Park, Michigan, at 146 Richton. She was a lodger. Perhaps the head of the houshold supplied the information or the enumerator confused two entries because much of her data is wrong. Agnes was recorded as 38 years old, single, born in Michigan, father born in Vermont, mother in New York, and was a stenographer.9 |
Directory | Agnes Bessie Fidlar was listed in the 1936 Royal Oak and Ferndale, Oakland County, Michigan, directory as Fidlar Agnes B nurse (Highland Park) residence 249 E Saratoga av.10 |
Passenger List | Agnes Fidlar was listed on a manifest dated 10 Apr 1936 for the SS Georgic, sailing as a round cruise passenger from New York to Bermuda & Nassau and back. The list noted that she was 40 years old, born in Owen Sound, Canada, single, no occupation, a Canadian citizen, residence 13930 Woodward Avenue in Detroit. Her contact was friend Dr. C.T. Stubbs of the same address. Agnes had lived in Detroit for 16 years. She was 5'4", medium complexion, grey hair with blue eyes.11 |
Directory | She was listed in the 1938 Royal Oak and Ferndale directory as Fidler Agnes M nurse Clayton T Stubbs (Highland Pk) r 249 E Saratoga av (Fern).12 |
Last Edited | 25 Jun 2014 |
- 1901 Census for Canada. Image from Library and Archives Canada viewed at Hastings (71), Marmora & Lake (j-2), page 15, line 5.
- Last Will and Testament of Isabella Fidlar of Toronto, Ontario, 22 January 1925. Typescript copy in the possession of Sharon Hoskyn.
- Birth Registrations of Ontario, Canada. Image viewed at Agnes Malcom, delayed registration #901922, 6 January 1930.
- 1911 Census for Canada. Image from Library and Archives Canada viewed at Saskatchewan, Moose Jaw district (211), Municipalityof Swift Current (68), page 5.
- Marriage Registrations of Ontario, 1857-1928. Image viewed at Schmalz/Richardson, #002003-15.
- Border Crossings: from Canada to U.S., 1895-1956, images ( "Agnes Fidlar, Niagara Falls, 24 January 1916."
- Border Crossings: from Canada to U.S., 1895-1956, images ( "Agnes Fidlar, Detroit, 24 September 1920."
- Obituary of Mrs Isabella Fidlar. Undated newspaper clipping in the possession of Sharon Hoskyn.
- 1930 Federal Census for United States, Michigan, Wayne County, Highland Park, ED 985, Page 40A. Image viewed at
- Polk's Royal Oak and Ferndale Directory, 1936, Image at
- New York Passenger Arrivals, images ( "Agnes Fidlar, 1936."
- Polk's Royal Oak and Ferndale Directory, 1938, Image at