Life Events
Occupation | Georg Hermann Kolthammer was a schuster [shoemaker]. On one of his children's baptisms he was recorded as an olboeter [an old German word for shoe repairer or cobbler]. |
Birth | He was born on 13 Aug 1754.1 |
Baptism | He was baptized on 19 Aug 1754 in Evangelische Kirche, Schneverdingen.1 Georg Hermann Kolthammer baptism, 1754 |
Marriage | He married Clara Anne Sophie Röhrs in 1777 in Schneverdingen.1
 Georg Herman Kolthammer & Clara Anne Sohie Röhrs marriage, 1777 |
Marriage | Georg Hermann Kolthammer married Catharina Magdalena Witten. The marriage was not recorded in the Schneverdingen register, so likely took place in Catharina Magdalena's home parish.1 |
Death | Georg Hermann Kolthammer died in 1812 at the age of 58 years and 22 days. He was married to Catharina Magdalena Witten and was the son of Gerhard Johann Kolthammer and Catharine Dorothea Lohsen.1 Georg Hermann Kolthammer burial, 1812 |