Life Events
Birth | Catharine Sophie Margarethe Kolthammer was born on 25 Jan 1836.1 |
Baptism | She was baptized on 27 Jan 1836 in Evangelische Kirche, Schneverdingen.1 Catharine Sophie Margarethe Kolthammer birth & baptism 1836 |
Note | She was born two months after her parents' marriage and the parish register made a note of the fact.1 |
(Father died) Death | She was less than a year old when her father died.1 |
Death | She died on 4 Apr 1839 at the age of 3 years 2 months and 10 days.1 |
Burial | She was buried on 8 Apr 1839.1 Catharine Sophie Margarethe Kolthammer death & burial, 1839 |