Life Events
Birth | Hanna Christine Elisabeth Kolthammer was born on 9 Feb 1829 in Insel.2 |
Baptism | She was baptized on 12 Feb 1829 in Evangelische Kirche, Schneverdingen.2 Hanna Christine Elisabeth Kolthammer baptism (bottom of register page)  Hanne Christine Elisabeth Kolthammer baptism (top of the next register page) |
(Mother died) Death | Hanna was only seven weeks old when her mother died. Her father married again later that year.2 |
(Mother) Birth | Hanna had a son Friedrich Wilhelm Kolthammer on 2 Apr 1856 in Celle Maternity Hospital, Celle, Hannover. She was noted to be a servant from Insel, Schneverdingen. The father's name was not recorded.1 |
(Mother) Birth | Hanna had a daughter, Johanne Christine, on 4 Jun 1858 in Celle. Hanne was a servant from Insel, Schneverdingen and the infant's father's name was not recorded.3 |