Mary Graham McGregor1

#20692, (1864 - )
MotherMargaret McGregor2 (1834 - )
Relationship2nd great-granddaughter of James Graham
ChartsJames Graham & Agnes Finlayson - collapsible 7-generation descendant chart

Life Events

BirthMary Graham McGregor was born on 27 Nov 1864 in Dunblane, Perthshire.
The birth index did not name a father.1,3 
(Other) 1871 CensusMary Graham McGregor appeared on the 1871 Census of Ardoch, Perthshire, in the household of William McGregor. She was recorded as William's granddaughter, age 6, scholar, born in Ardoch.4 
(Other2) 1881 CensusMary Graham McGregor appeared on the 1881 Census of Ardoch, Perthshire, in the household of the widowed Elizabeth Reid. She was her niece, age 16, born in Ardoch, and a visitor.5 
Last Edited21 Jun 2011


  1. [S246] 1881 Census for England, Scotland, and Wales (Family History Library, on CD), Vol 328-B, ED 4, page 5.
  2. [S1320] Website International Genealogical Index, civil registration index (
  3. [S1320] Website International Genealogical Index, civil registration index (, Mary McGregor, mother Margaret, no father named.
  4. [S1207] Online index to the 1871 Census for Scotland ( "Ardoch, ED 4, page 5, household 28."
  5. [S246] 1881 Census for England, Scotland, and Wales (Family History Library, on CD), vol 328-B, ed 4, p 3.