Life Events
Occupation | Alexander Bonnycastle was a Gentleman (1877-1891), grain buyer (1901), clerk (1903), yeoman (1903.) |
Birth | He was born on 21 Nov 1839 in Seymour, Northumberland County, Ontario.2,3 |
(with Parents) 1842 Census | Alexander appeared on the 1842 Census of Seymour, District of Newcastle, Upper Canada with his parents. Only the head of household was named but there were two males under the age of 5. They would be brothers Alexander and Francis Edward.4 |
(with Parents) 1851/2 Census | Alexander Bonnycastle appeared on the 1852 Census of Seymour Township, Northumberland County, Canada West with his parents. He was born in Canada and was to be 13 on his next birthday.1 |
Marriage | He married Mary Roblin.5 |
Note. | You can find online a photo and description of the residence which was built for Alexander about 1870. It was a two-storey Ontario Gothic style red brick building and is now featured on a walking tour of historic Campbellford homes. |
1871 Census | Alex and Minetta Bonnycastle appeared on the 1871 Census of Thurlow Township, Hastings County, Ontario, enumerated 2 Apr 1871. Alex was 31, born in Ontario, of English origin, and was a farmer. Minetta was 21, born in Ontario, and of Scotch origin.6 |
Note | Alexander Bonnycastle inherited forty shares in the Bank of British North America from his mother's sister Elizabeth Carlow in 1873.7 |
(Not Mentioned) Will | He was not mentioned in the will of his mother Eleanor Mary Susan Bonnycastle dated 11 Jun 1873 in Seymour Township, Northumberland County, Ontario.8  |
1881 Census | Alex and Minie Bonnycastle appeared on the 1881 Census of Campbellford, Northumberland County, Ontario, enumerated 4 Apr 1881. Alex was 42, born in Ontario, religion Church of England, English origin, and he was a Gent. Minnie was 32, born in Ontario, same religion and origin. With them were their daughters Mayble and Edith.9 |
Event | His wife Minnie left between 1881 and 1891. After that, Mary Hoppes, Doris' Knox's mother's widowed sister, kept house for the family. Alexander gave her a six piece silver tea service in appreciation. Apparently, in later years, Minnie contacted her daughter Mabel, but Mabel's husband Jack Hamilton said "no way"!5 |
1891 Census | Alexr Bonnycastle appeared on the 1891 Census of Campbellford, Northumberland County, Ontario, enumerated 6 Apr 1891. The Bonnycastle family lived in a two story wood house with 8 rooms. Alexander was 51, born in Ontario, father born in New Brunswick, mother in England, religion Church of England, and was a Gent. His children Mabel Eleanor and Edith Anna were with him.10 |
(Witness) Baptism | Alexander Bonnycastle witnessed the baptism of his granddaughter Dorothy Grace Hamilton on 2 Apr 1899 in Campbellford, Northumberland County, Ontario.11 |
1901 Census | Alexander Bonnycastle and his daughter Edith appeared on the 1901 Census of Campbellford, Northumberland County, Ontario, at A Lot 5, Rannay H, enumerated 17 Apr 1901. Alexander was 61, widowed, born 21 November 1839 in rural Ontario, of English origin, religion Church of England, and worked as a Grain Buyer for 12 months, earning $425. Edith was 21, born 9 May 1879 in urban Ontario, and had no occupation. They lived in a rented wood house with 8 rooms and 3 outbuldings on 1/4 acre in the village.2 |
Will | Alexander Bonnycastle wrote a will dated 1903.12 |
Death | Alexander died on 30 Dec 1903 in Campbellford. Information from certificate: age 64, clerk, born Seymour, cause of death hemorhage of Brain, Dr Carlaw, religion English Church, informant R.H. Bonnycastle 31 Dec 1903.3 |
Burial | He was buried on 1 Jan 1904 in Christ Church Anglican Cemetery, Campbellford, Northumberland County, Ontario. The church register noted that Alexander was a yeoman, aged 65 of Campbellford.13,14 Alexander Bonnycastle gravestone Christ Church Anglican Cemetery, Campbellford |