Life Events
Occupation | Helen May Bonnycastle was a School Teacher in Peterborough.3 |
Birth | She was born on 2 Apr 1896 in Seymour Township, Northumberland County, Ontario. Details from birth certificate: daughter of Chas Bonnycastle & Henretta Cassan, father a Farmer, informant C Bonnycastle, registered 2 June 96.2,1 |
Baptism | She was baptized on 28 Jun 1896 in Christ Church Anglican, Campbellford, Northumberland County, Ontario.2 |
(Other) 1901 Census | Helen appeared on the 1901 Census of Seymour Township, Northumberland County, Ontario, in her Bonnycastle grandparents' household. Her brother and parents were also there. She was 4 years old and born on April 2 1896 in Ontario.4 |
(Subject) Photograph | A family photograph with Helen, Geoffrey & Allan and their parents.5 Charles Edward & Henrietta Bonnycastle Helen, Geoffrey & Allan |
(with Parents) 1911 Census | Helen May Bonnycastle appeared on the 1911 Census of Seymour Township, Northumberland County, Ontario with her parents. She was age 12, born April 1896 in Ontario, and was a student in high school.6 |
1921 Census | Helen Bonnycastle appeared on the 1921 Census of Peterborough, Ontario, at 264 Hunter Street. She was a lodger, age 25, single, born in Ontario as were her parents, religion Church of England, and worked as a School Teacher, earning $1000 the previous year.7 |
Passenger List | She was listed on a manifest dated 31 Aug 1926. She was a cruise passenger in transit on the S.S. California into New York. There were 8 first cabin passengers including Helen May Bonnycastle, 30, single, Teacher, Canadian, residence Peterboro Ontario, final destination Peterboro, 5'7" fair complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, born Campbell [sic] Canada; had an immigration visa dated 18/8/26 issued in Naples, sailed from New York 1 July 1826.3 |
(Mentioned) Obituary | They was mentioned in her father Charles Edward Bonnycastle's 1929 obituary as daughter Helen of the staff of Peterborough Normal School.8 |
Note | In 1933 Helen M Bonnycastle in Ontario, Canada, received a letter from the post office superintendent, "Receipt is acknowledged of the certificate of the death of Frank Bonnycastle, trustee for Harry Bonnycastle, in account Campbellford, No. 549, together with two policies of the Royal Insurance Company, which are signed by Frank Bonnycastle....Mr Harry Bonnycastle of Bonnycastle Nursery, Weslaco, Texas, U.S.A., is being communicated with in the matter today...the two policies are herewith returned."9 |
(Mentioned) Obituary | They was mentioned in Charles Geoffrey Bonnycastle's 1950 obituary as sister Helen Bonnycastle in Canada.10 |
(Mentioned) Obituary | She was mentioned in Phyllis Frances Hand's 1980 obituary as niece Miss Helen Bonnycastle of Peterborough Ont.11 |
Death | Helen May Bonnycastle died on 22 Feb 1980.12 |
Burial | She was buried in Christ Church Anglican Cemetery, Campbellford, Ontario.12 |