Life Events
Birth | Harvey Alexander Inkster was born on 12 Jan 1907 in Underwood, Bruce County, Ontario. Details from register: father James Harvey Inkster, a teamster, mother Isabell McLean, registered by H Inkster, Underwood on 17 Jan 1907.1 |
(Subject) Photograph | Appeared in a family group photo taken about 1910.2 Children of James Harvey Inkster & Isabella McLean, 1910 Back row: William Wallace, John Herbert sitting holding baby Gordon, Robert James Harold, Florence Jean Front row: Harvey Alexander, Gordon, Beatrice Muriel |
(with Parents) 1911 Census | Harvey Alex Inkster appeared on the 1911 Census of Bruce Township, Bruce County, Ontario with his parents. He was 4 years old and born in January 1906 in Ontario.3 |
(with Father) 1921 Census | Harvey appeared on the 1921 Census of Mount Hope Municipality, Saskatchewan with his widowed father and seven siblings. He was 15, born in Ontario, Presbyterian, and worked on his father's farm.4 |
Voters' List | Harvey Inkster and his son Harvey appeared on the electoral roll in 1935 in Raymore, Saskatchewan. They were both listed as farmers. The electoral division in the district of Yorkton was called Lewiswyn and included Twp 29 Rge 19 W2, except sections 1 to 6; and Twp 29 Rge 18 west of the Poor Man Reserve, except sections 3 to 6.5 |
Voters' List | Brothers Bruce and H., Jr., Inkster appeared on the electoral roll in 1940 in Raymore. H was a labourer and Bruce was a farmer. They were enumerated in the electoral district of Yorkton, in the polling division comprised of Sect 7 to 10, 15 to 22, 27 to 34, Twp 29, Range 18, W2.5 |
Death | He died between 1940 and 1950 in Ontario of food poisoning.6,7 |