Charles Green Bonnycastle1
#16, (1844 - 1926)
Father | Henry William John Bonnycastle1 (1813 - 1888) |
Mother | Eleanor Mary Susan Rowed1 (1811 - 1891) |
Relationship | Great-grandson of John Bonnycastle |
Charts | 5 Generations of Descendants of Sir Richard Henry Bonnycastle (1791-1847) Ancestors of Hope Lyall Rudd (Jen's line) |
Family | Sarah Oliver (1851 - 1931) |
Children |
Life Events | |
Occupation | Charles Green Bonnycastle was a labourer (1861), storekeeper (1872), carpenter (1881), farmer (1883+.) |
Birth | He was born on 2 Feb 1844 in Seymour Township, Ontario.1,2 |
Research Note | The birthdate inscribed on his gravestone is 20 February 1846. |
(with Parents) 1851/2 Census | Charles Bonnycastle appeared on the 1852 Census of Seymour Township, Northumberland County, Canada West with his parents. He was born in Canada and was to be 7 on his next birthday.3 |
(with Parents) 1861 Census | Charles Bonycastle [sic] appeared on the 1861 Census of Seymour Township, Northumberland County, Ontario with his parents. He was 15 and born in Upper Canada [on the census form he was recorded as 17 but apparently the enumerator switched his name with his older brother Richard].4 |
Military | In June 1866, Charles Green Bonnycastle was a Private in an Infantry Company of the 40th Northumberland Battalion under the command of Capt George Tice. Charles was noted to be from Campbellford. He served about 3 weeks at Toronto and Kingston, as well as 10 days at Cobourg. The medal register noted that attack was expected. The register showed that he was awarded a Canada General Service Medal and that it was sent to him in Katapwe [sic] NWT.5 |
(Witness) Marriage | Charles Green Bonnycastle witnessed the marriage of his brother Richard Henry Bonnycastle and Charlotte Kate Cassan on 18 Nov 1869 in Christ Church Anglican, Campbellford, Northumberland County, Ontario.6 |
(with Parents) 1871 Census | Charles appeared on the 1871 Census of Seymour Township, Northumberland County, Ontario with his parents. He was 25, born in Ontario, and a Farmer. There is a marginal notation about him that I can't decipher.7 |
Marriage | Charles Green Bonnycastle married Sarah Oliver on 31 Aug 1872 in Campbellford, Northumberland County, Ontario. Information from marriage certificate: Charles Greer [sic], 27, bachelor, storekeeper, religion Church of England, parents Henry & Ellen; Sarah Dolly, 19, spinster, Church of England, parents Thomas & Sarah; They were married by [Charles' cousin Maria Rowed's husband] J.S. Baker, by license and the witnesses were [Charles' brother] RH Bonnycastle & [Charles' cousin] A Denmark, both of Seymour.8 |
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(Not Mentioned) Will | Charles Green Bonnycastle was not mentioned in the will of his mother Eleanor Mary Susan Bonnycastle dated 11 Jun 1873 in Seymour Township, Northumberland County, Ontario.9 ![]() |
1881 Census | Charles and Sarrah [sic] Bonnycastle appeared on the 1881 Census of Seymour Township, Northumberland County, Ontario, enumerated 4 Apr 1881. Charles was 35, born in Ontario, religion Church of England, English origin, and he was a carpenter. Sarah was 28, born in Ontario, same religion and origin. With them were their children Maud, John, Lyall, Thomas, and Richard. Charles' brother Richard was the enumerator for the census.10 |
Land Record | In 1883, Charles Green Bonnycastle homesteaded and built a 18x26 house worth $600 in NW 1/4 Section 12 Township 20 Range 12 W2, Katepwa, Northwest Territories.11 |
Item | In 1887 Charles Green Bonnycastle was one of the founders of All Saints Anglican church at Katepwa. The property was designated a Municipal Heritage Property in 1990.12,13 |
1891 Census | Chas and Sarah appeared on the 1891 Census of Qu'Appelle, Assiniboia, Northwest Territories. The Bonnycastle family lived in a two story wood house with 8 rooms. In the next household was his brother Harold and family. Charles was 49, born in Ontario, father born in New Brunswick, mother in England, religion Church of England, and was a Farmer employing one person. Sarah was 38, born in England, parents born in England, and religion Church of England. Their children were Maud (18), John (16), Lyall (14), Thomas (12), George (10), Carl (8), and May (2). May was born in the North West Territory and the others in Ontario.14 |
Photograph | 15 |
Land Record | Charles's homestead was granted on 8 Dec 1894 for SW1/4 Section 12 Township 20 Range 12 W of 2nd Meridian, Katepwa, Northwest Territories. He took entry 19 October 1891 and by 1894 had 120 acres under cultivation, with 7 cattle, 8 horses, 13 pigs, and 1 sheep.11 |
Photograph | 12
![]() The Katepwe Cricket Team Identifed members include Jack Bonnycastle (2nd row, 2nd from left) Roland Barwell (2nd row, 3rd from left) Charles Green Bonnycastle (2nd row, right side) Carl Channing Bonnycastle (3rd row, left side) Tom Bonnycastle (3rd row, 3rd from left) Note: an 1898 report in the Qu'Appelle Vidette of a match between Katepwe and Indian Head lists the Katepwe team members as CG Bonnycastle, S Trask, A Vidal, W Govan, A Brinton, T Groves, J Bonnycastle, RC Barwell, T Bonnycastle, G Bonnycastle, and G Ferguson. |
1901 Census | Charles G H and Sarah Bonnycastle appeared on the 1901 Census of Katepwa, Assiniboia, Northwest Territories, at Section 12 Township 20 Range 12, enumerated 9 Apr 1901. Charles was 56, born February 1845 in rural Ontario, of English origin, religion Church of England, and was a farmer. Sarah was 48, born 5 January 1853 in England, immigrated in 1858, and was also Church of England. They lived in a composite 5 room house and owned 640 acres, 1 house, 7 barns or outbuildings, and leased a further 160 acres. Their children Lyall, Thomas, Carl Channing and Eleanor Mary were living with them, as well as one hired man.16 |
Residence-Moved | Circa 1905, Charles Green Bonnycastle moved to the Williams Road house in Chilliwack BC.1 |
Land Record | On 29 May 1905, Charles Green Bonnycastle applied for a military land grant at S 1/2 Lot 11 Concession 3, Murphy Township, Ontario.17 |
Item | On 13 Sep 1905, Charles Green Bonnycastle was presented with a certificate for his service in the Fenian Raid. The location certificate shown here, from the Archives of Ontario Poster Collection (C 233), is for a grant of land in 1905 to Charles Bonnycastle, a volunteer in the Canadian militia during the Fenian Raids. The immediate rationale for the land grant program was to recognize the soldiers who had recently fought in the Boer War in South Africa. The contributions of Fenian Raid veterans were also recognized and included in this land grant program.18,19 |
Newspaper | Published 11 Mar 1908 in the Chilliwack Progress. Nominations were taken for the first council of the new City of Chilliwack. Only one name was offered for mayor, and S A Cawley was elected by acclamation. Eight were nominated for the five alderman positions, including C G Bonnycastle. He came sixth in the race, so did not serve.20,21 |
Newspaper | Published 24 Jun 1908 in the Chilliwack Progress. LARGE STRAWBERRIES The largest and best strawberries grown in Chilliwack this year were grown and presented to the Progress staff, by the most thoughtful man in the valley, viz., Mr C G Bonnycastle of Williams Road. The berries were of the Big Red Jumbo variety, red all the way through and the kind you have to cut in four pieces to get into your mouth. A little strawberry festival was held in the office one afternoon by the staff over a dozen of these delicious berries and the editor had enough left over for five-o'clock in the evening. This journal shall look upon Mr Bonnycastle as its best friend hereafter.22 |
Item | In 1909 Mr & Mrs C Bonnycastle gave a chair as a wedding present to their son Carl.23 |
Newspaper | Published 2 Jun 1909 in the Chilliwack Progress. BILLIARD TOURNAMENT Another very successful English billiard tournament was completed at Fred Gillander's billiard parlors on Thursday evening and if anything was more successful than the previous one...A large number were entered for the tournament this time, which extended the time much longer and the interest grew as the play narrowed towards the prize winnners...This will close the tournaments for the season, but as soon as the warm weather is over they will be resumed and made more popular than ever C.G. Bonnycastle was noted as one of the losers of the first round.24 |
Newspaper | Published 23 Jun 1909 in the Chilliwack Progress. LARGE STRAWBERRIES Mr C G Bonnycastle of Williams road, brought into the office of the Progress his annual presentation of a box of strawberries. They are the big red kind that make your eyes stick out in wonder at the growth of the fruit in the soil of Hope Slough. They far exceeded Pat's potatoes in size, and one berry would last a small family a week. Strawberries grow to perfection in nearly every section of the Chilliwack Valley, but none to such perfect color, size and flavor as those on Mr Bonnycastle's ranch.25 |
Land Record | He received his military land grant on 25 Jun 1910 for Murphy Township.17 |
1911 Census | Charles and Sarah Bonnycastle appeared on the 1911 Census of Chilliwack, British Columbia, at Williams Road, enumerated 1 Jun 1911. The census image was very faded and difficult to read. Charles was 67, born February 1844 in Ontario, of English origin, Anglican, and was a retired Farmer. Sarah was 58, born in January 1853 in England, and immigrated in 1858 or 9. Their children Eleanor Mary and Thomas were living with them.2 |
Newspaper | Published 26 Jul 1911 in the Chilliwack Progress. CRICKET CLUB FORMED At a meeting of enthusiasts held in Charles Hutcheson & Co's office, Friday evening, the following persons were elected to fill the offices and form the executive for the new cricket club: Honorary president, D E Gwynn-Vaughn; president, C G Bonnycastle; vice president, A L Coote; secretary treasurer, W E Frost; Capt Charles Hutcheson. S A Parsons was unanimously made an honorary member. The membership fee was fixed at $3. Practice is held on the old fair grounds almost nightly and the club starts out with a very fair membership. It is the endeavor of the club to get in shape to play a match with Abbotsford or some other club on Labor Day. The secretary was instructed to communicate with the Abbotsford club regarding the match and to find the feeling of the enthusiasts there towards playing in Chilliwack.26 |
Newspaper | Published 9 Aug 1911 in the Chilliwack Progress. A cricket match of very special interest was played on Thursday afternoon in Mountain View between twenty-four members of the newly formed local club. Sides were taken by twelve members from the country under the captaincy of R C Barwell being pitted against twelve from the city under Charles Hutcheson. [it was noted that] C G Bonnycastle also played a splendid game scoring 18 runs.27 |
Newspaper | Published 6 Sep 1911 in the Chilliwack Progress. GUN CLUB SHOOT The members of the Chilliwack Gun Club held a very successful shoot at the traps on C B Reeves' place Saturday afternoon in August, the score of each person being creditable indeed. [It was noted that C G Bonnycastle shot at 25 clay birds, breaking 19 of them]28 |
Newspaper | Published 22 Nov 1911 in the Chilliwack Progress. An article about the local Game Protection Association listed C G Bonnycastle as one of its directors.29 |
Newspaper | Published 20 Dec 1911 in the Chilliwack Progress. John Bonnycastle and family, of Calgary, are spending Christmas with Mr Bonnycastle's parents, Mr and Mrs C G Bonnycastle, Williams Road.30 |
Newspaper | Published 20 Mar 1912 in the Chilliwack Progress. CRICKET CLUB REORGANIZED The members of the Chilliwack Cricket Club met in Chas Hutcherson's office on Monday evening for re-organization for the coming season. The meeting was largely attended and the members were quite enthusiastic regarding the outcome of the game at Chilliwack. Plans were formed and a request will be made for privileges to use the recreation grounds at Exhibition park. .... The election of officers resulted as follows: President, C G Bonnycastle... The annual membership fee was placed at $2.00 per member.31 |
Military | Chas G Bonnycastle applied for a grant under the provisions of The Fenian Raid Volunteer Bounty Act on 16 May 1912. In the application he declared that he was enrolled in Capt Tice's 40th Battalion, Company 3, and served with it at Fenian Raid in Ontario in the year 1865, that he had received a service medal, and that he now lived at Chilliwack, British Columbia. The Comrade's Declaration was completed by John W Johnston of Seymour Township, Northumberland County, Ontario, stating that he knew Charles and that he had served at Cobourg, Toronto & Kingston in March & June of 1866.32 |
(Witness) Marriage | Charles Green Bonnycastle witnessed the marriage of Leonard Carl Hawkins to his daughter Eleanor Mary Bonnycastle on 26 Jul 1913 in St. Thomas Church, Chilliwack, British Columbia.33 |
Newspaper | Published 12 Nov 1913 in the Chilliwack Progress. Annual Meeting of Game Association ... Two matters of importance to the association were brought up at the annual meeting. One was that of Sunday shooting brought up by Mr C G Bonnycastle. Mr Bonnycastle suggested the petitioning of the game department to take steps to have the Sunday laws so amended that the authorities would be enabled to prevent the firing off of guns in and around inhabited communities. In the case of the uninhabited districts such as that of Sumas Prairie, he was not opposed to this shooting, but in and about a community where many were opposed to it, he thought it should be stopped. The concensus of opinion at the meeting was with Mr Bonnycastle in this but no definite action was taken ... election of officers included C G Bonnycastle to the executive committee.34 |
Newspaper | Published 5 Mar 1914 in the Chilliwack Progress. Get Fenian Raid Bounty Last session an act entitled the "Fenian Raid Vounteer Bounty Act" was placed on the statute books of Canada. The act provided that the Dominion should show recognition of the services performed by patriotic Canadians who had taken part in the repelling of the Fenian raids of 1866 and 1870. It was estimated at that time that about 10,000 men took up arms in defence of the Dominion, but it has since been shown that a far larger number than that took the field, or showed a readiness to do so by answering to the muster call. Up to the end of 1913 34,050 applications for the $100 bounty were made. Of this number 16,470 had been paid and 3,045 refused...Included in the list paid are four residents of Chilliwack, namely: Messrs. C G Bonnycastle, J W Hill, Hector McKay and D T Nelems ...35 |
Photograph | 36 |
(Mentioned) Obituary | He was mentioned in Harold John Bonnycastle's 1917 obituary as brother Mr. C.G. Bonnycastle of Chilliwack.37 |
Will | Charles G Bonnycastle of Chilliwack British Columbia wrote a will dated 13 Jan 1919. In it he appointed his wife Sarah to be sole executrix and heir.38 |
1921 Census | Charles G and Sarah Bonnycastle appeared on the 1921 Census of Chilliwack, British Columbia. They owned their single family wood house on Williams Road. Charles was 76, a retired farmer, birthplace Ontario, father born in New Brunswick, mother in England. Sarah was 67, birthplace England, parents born in England, immigration year 1859. They belonged to the Church of England.39 |
Item | In 1922 son George and family visited Charles and Sarah. Granddaughter Georgia remembers their "lovely large property on the river bank."40 |
Photograph | Here is a photo of Charles & Sarah in their son Tom's car in front of their house. The picture was just for show. He never drove a car - he drove a buggy pulled by a white horse named Dinah.40 |
Item | In 1922,Charles Green Bonnycastle sent flowers to funeral of Georgina Denmark [the wife of his cousin on his mother's side].41 |
Death | Charles died on 12 Oct 1926 in Williams Road, Chilliwack, British Columbia. Information from death certificate: Charles Green Bonnycastle, residence Chilliwack, English origin, married, born Feb 2nd 1844 in Ontario, age 82 years 8 months 2 days, Retired gentleman, has lived in Chilliwack and B.C. for 21 years. His father was Henry Bonnycastle who was born in Nova Scotia, his mother Mary Rowed born in England. The informant was daughter Maud Barwell of Chilliwack. Burial in the English church cemetery.1 |
Burial | He was buried on 13 Oct 1926 in Church of England cemetery, Chilliwack, British Columbia.1 |
Obituary | His obituary was published on 14 Oct 1926 in The Chilliwack Progress .42 |
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Anecdote | "was a great fisherman...we used to watch him catching fish and sometimes he would take us out in the boat."40 |
Anecdote | "the best shot in the Fraser Valley...on the evening he died they found him with an opened shotgun over his lap..he had been cleaning it for the next morning's hunt."15 |
Anecdote | "a dear, quiet easy-going man."40 |
Anecdote | "had an old white horse that he would let us ride -- but we were not to let our grandmother know. He would let us pick apples from the apple tree -- but don't tell grandma."43 |
Signature | The signature of Charles Green Bonnycastle was on on brother Richard's marriage registration, 1869.44 |
Photograph | Here is a photograph of Charles mowing the lawn of their Chilliwack house.40 ![]() |
Item | The Bonnycastle house built c1909 at 12006 William Road in Chilliwack was still standing in 2006.15 |
Last Edited | 24 Jan 2022 |
- Death certificate of Charles Green Bonnycastle, died 12 October 1926, registered 14 October 1926 in the Province of British Columbia, Certificate #26-09-371001.
- 1911 Census for Canada. Image from Library and Archives Canada viewed at British Columbia, New Westminster (11), subdistrict Chilliwack (35), Page 4.
- Online image of 1851/2 Census for Canada. Canada West, Northumberland (24), Seymour (228), Part 1.
- 1861 Census for Canada. Image from Library and Archives Canada viewed at Canada West, Northumberland County, Seymour township (1), page 17.
- Image of medal register viewed online at Library and Archives Canada.
- Parish Register of Christ Church Anglican, Campbellford, Ontario (Diocese of Toronto Archives, photocopied records), Bonnycastle/Cassan marriage, 1869.
- 1871 Census for Canada. Image from Library and Archives Canada viewed at Ontario, Northumberland East (55), Seymour (g-2), page 52.
- Province of Ontario Marriage Registers: Bonnycastle/Oliver marriage, 1872, Family History Library.
- Eleanor Mary Susan Bonnycastle, Probate File Surrogate Court of Ontario (United Counties of Northumberland and Durham), Family History Library, Film #1452202.
- 1881 Census for Canada. Image from Library and Archives Canada viewed at Ontario, Northumberland East (123), Seymour Township (G-1), page 1.
- Homestead Grant for SW1/4 Section 12 Township 20 Range 12 W of 2nd Meridian, granted by Dominion Lands Office to Charles G Bonnycastle, North West Territory (now Saskatchewan), 1883 , FHL film #1298720.
- E-mails from Bryan Campbell-Hope to Jennifer Kolthammer.
- Saskatchewan Government, Culture Youth & Recreation
- 1891 Census for Canada. Image from Library and Archives Canada viewed at The Territories, Assiniboia East (198), Qu'Appelle (b-11), page 4 [poor image].
- Communication from Dale Bonnycastle to J Kolthammer.
- 1901 Census for Canada. Image from Library and Archives Canada viewed at Assiniboia E (203), Katepwa (d-2), page 3, line 24.
- Index to Land Records, Ontario (OLRI), 1780s-1910s, compiled by Ontario Archives, Ontario, 1979.
- Website Library and Archives Canada (, The image of Charles Bonnycastle's certificate happened to be the one published online to illustrate the military land grant certificates.
- Website Archives of Ontario (
- The Chilliwack Progress, "Nominations for City Council", 11 Mar 1908, Page 1. Image viewed at
- The Chilliwack Progress, "City of Chilliwack's First Council", 18 March 1908, Page 8. Image viewed at
- The Chilliwack Progress, "Large Strawberries", 24 June 1908, Page 4. Image viewed at
- 'Bonnycastle - Menzies', Chilliwack Progress, 28 July 1909 (Bennett Library, Simon Fraser University, microfilm).
- The Chilliwack Progress, "Billiard Tournament", 2 June 1909, Page 8. Image viewed at
- The Chilliwack Progress, "Large Strawberries", 23 June 1909, Page 8. Image viewed at
- The Chilliwack Progress, "Cricket Club Formed", 26 July 1911, Page 4. Image viewed at
- The Chilliwack Progress, "City versus the Country", 9 August 1911, Page 2. Image viewed at
- The Chilliwack Progress, "Gun Club Shoot", 6 Sept 1911, Page 1. Image viewed at
- The Chilliwack Progress, "Recommendations of Game Protection Ass'n", 22 Nov 1911, Page 6. Image viewed at
- The Chilliwack Progress, 20 Dec 1911, Page 4. Image viewed at
- The Chilliwack Progress, "Cricket Club Reorganized", 20 March 1912, Page 2. Image viewed at
- Image of Fenian Raids Bounty Applications, Library and Archives Canada RG9 II-A-4-067, viewed at Ancestry.
- Marriage certificate of Leonard Karl Hawkins and Eleanor Mary Bonnycastle, married 26 July 1913 in the Province of British Columbia, Certificate #13-09-031852.
- The Chilliwack Progress, 12 Nov 1913, Page 1. Image viewed at
- The Chilliwack Progress, "Get Fenian Raid Bounty", 5 Mar 1914, Page 6. Image viewed at
- E-mails from Carell Goldney to J Kolthammer, beginning November 2008.
- Obituary of Harold John Bonnycastle in Chilliwack Progress, 13 Sept 1917 (Bennett Library, Simon Fraser University, microfilm).
- Last Will and Testament of Charles G Bonnycastle of Chilliwack, British Columbia, 13 January 1919, proved 22 October 1926. Image viewed at Familysearch.
- 1921 Census for Canada. Image from Library and Archives Canada viewed at British Columbia, Fraser Valley 16, SD 13 City of Chilliwack, Page 28.
- Letters from Georgia Rickson, Vancouver, to J Kolthammer, dated early 1990s.
- Obituary of Georgina Denmark in Chilliwack Progress, 5 October 1922, page 5 (Bennett Library, Simon Fraser University, microfilm).
- Obituary of C G Bonnycastle in Chilliwack Progress, 14 Oct 1926 (Bennett Library, Simon Fraser University, microfilm).
- Letters from Marion Denton, British Columbia, to J Kolthammer, dated early 1990s, Letter, April 1993.
- Parish Register of Christ Church Anglican, Campbellford, Ontario (Diocese of Toronto Archives, photocopied records).
- Death certificate of Maud Barwell, died 7 June 1953, registered 8 June 1953 in the Province of British Columbia, Certificate #53-09-006095.
- Death certificate of John Bonnycastle, died 28 August 1955, registered 28 August 1955 in the Province of British Columbia, Certificate #55-09-009139.
- Death certificate of Lyall Bonneycastle Evans, died 26 July 1961, registered 27 July 1961 in the Province of British Columbia, Certificate #61-09-008683.
- Parish Register of Christ Church Anglican, Campbellford, Ontario (Diocese of Toronto Archives, photocopied records), Thomas Bonnycastle baptism, 1878.
- Marriage certificate of Thomas Bonnycastle and Claudelina Waddington, married 26 April 1915 in the Province of British Columbia, Certificate #15-09-079045.
- Death certificate of Thomas Bonnycastle, died 25 April 1959, registered 27 April 1959 in the Province of British Columbia, Certificate #59-09-005584.
- Parish Register of Christ Church Anglican, Campbellford, Ontario (Diocese of Toronto Archives, photocopied records), George Bonnycastle baptism, 1881.
- Death certificate of George Bonnycastle, died 1 September 1976, registered 1 September 1976 in the Province of British Columbia, Certificate #76-09-015628.
- Parish Register of Christ Church Anglican, Campbellford, Ontario (Diocese of Toronto Archives, photocopied records), Carl Channing Bonnycastle baptism, 1883.
- Marriage certificate of Carl Channing Bonnycastle and Mary Caroline Menzies, married 22 July 1909 in the Province of British Columbia, Certificate #09-09-122398.
- Parish Register of St John's Anglican Church, Fort Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan, Mary Eleanor Bonnycastle baptism, 1890 [record copied by the archivist].